Raising a kid isn’t the most easiest task in the world and as a mom you might be stressed out from managing your duties as a parent as well as taking care of your other day-to-day activities. 

Whether you are a new mom, single mom, working mom, stay-at-home mom, being stressed out is common. Lowering your stress level will improve your mental health, manage your family life better and reduce your physical health problems as well. 

Here are some simple ways to reduce your stress as a mom:

1- Prepare beforehand 

One of the best ways to manage your stress is to prepare your day beforehand. 

You can check what your kid’s day looks like for tomorrow, plan their outfits, pack their lunch and even their breakfast beforehand that can be refrigerated through the night. 

2- Delegate

You are a mom and not a superhero.  

You don’t have to do everything by your own. You can delegate jobs to your partner as well. 

Identify tasks that are important and need your supervision and keep that for yourself while other tasks can be completed by your partner during their free time. 

3- Take a break

Whenever you feel stressed out or drained, take a break. 

You can try calming breathing techniques, meditation, prayer or working out to de-stress during your me-time. 

4- Support group

You can find other mothers in your locality and become friends with them and form a support group for other mothers to join as well.

All of you can exchange ideas, stories, suggestions and advices through your experiences as parents. 

5- Perfectly imperfect 

As a mother, you might have prepared to always be the perfect mother like society demands you to be. 

But in reality, you can modify tasks and responsibilities according to your lifestyle and how it works for you and your child. You don’t have to do certain things just because other mothers do it. 

You can’t always keep the house perfect and your kids happy all the time. Sometimes it’s perfect to be imperfect as longs as there is no harm done.

6- Distractions 

Whenever you feel particularly stressed out and feel disconnected from your kid, try to find calming activities to bond with them and spend some quality time with them. 

You can read their favourite book out loud to them in bed or sit and paint with them. 

Check out our vast collection of books in our very own website lilamigosnest to find a book to read to your child. 

7- Time out

Sometimes your family just needs a time out during stressful times. 

As a mother you don’t have to manage and control their emotions and how they react.

You can use a “time out” hand gesture as a family signal that means you need to decompress and walk away until you feel back in control. 

8- Dancing

One of the best ways you can feel better about yourself is to have a spontaneous dance session with your kids. 

You can dance to their favourite tunes whether it’s a nursery rhyme or from their favourite cartoon series to laugh and have a good time. 


We hope these ways mentioned above help you de-stress as a mom and become better equipped to manage your stress level on a daily basis. 

If you want to read more parenting tips and advices then do visit our blog at lilamigosnest.